Titan IPA
Great Divide Brewing Co. Colorado
ABV 7.10%
This beer was recommended to me by a friend that I consider quite knowledgeable about wine and spirits. So lets give it a go.
Served on-tap in a pint glass. Slightly hazy light orange color with a small white head, obviously due to the tap pour. A little lacing along the glass.
Wonderful smell of candy-like malt sweetness with citrus pineapple fruitiness. As the beer warmed, more caramel notes emerged.
It taste Piny and resinous up front.. Somewhat floral. I can't really taste and citrusy hops that I caught a very light glimpse of in the nose. Finishes nice and sweet with a not-so-palatecrunching bitterness. Its actually a pretty refreshing bitterness. Alcohol is definitely noticeable and this is slightly over carbonated.
All in All I would drink it again but if I were brewing this I would definitely not name it TITAN...