Harpoon IPA
Harpoon Brewery Boston MA
ABV 5.9%
The Brewery website heralds this as their flagship beer. Here's what I though.
Pours a nice slightly hazy golden color with a little more than 1 finger of fluffy white head, decent retention.
Scents of citrus and orange with nice hoppiness. A few notes of bready malt as well.
The taste is Definitely hop-centric, this is light on the malt presence. A touch of sweet caramel malt, then grapefruit rind and sticky pine. A bit of biscuity malt remains throughout, hiding beneath the hoppy flavor. Finishes clean.Good, enough alcohol presence so you know it's beer, but not abrasive. Right amount of carbonation for and IPA.
All in all this beer won't change your life...but it may make your night a little brighter! Cheers!