Thursday, February 10, 2011

Double Simcoe IPA

Weyerbacher Brewing Companies Double Simcoe IPA
 The Stats:
ABV 9.00%
IBU 153

Brewed using 100% Simcoe(R) Hops, a west coast hop variety created in 2000 by Select Botanicals, Inc. Because of the high alpha acid, Simcoe works well for bittering. It can be used as an aroma hop too.

The Beer:

Pours a deep amber brown with a huge, pale white head that looks like it has been glued to side of my glass. There is a fiery burst of orange that comes through the glass as this brew is held up to light. The head reminds me of root beer foam.

Smells like sweet flowers with a pretty strong malt backbone. Once I get past the strong floral notes, there is some detection of pine and maybe some earthy notes. A lot of pineapple is present.

Great zesty citrus taste bites first thing in side the mouth, sweetness in the back of mouth from malts not subtle but well balanced front to back
This is actually insanely drinkable, mostly due to dry hopping I think. This beer has a ton of hop flavor and aromatics without much bitterness. Beware of the ABV this brew will sneak up on you!